2. ॐ पुष्कराक्षाय नमः for overcoming bad times
3. ॐ भूतादये नमः chant this name to amend soured friendship or any personal relationship
4. ॐ धात्रे नमः for issue less couple
5.ॐ विधात्रे नमः pregnant ladies to chant for healthy babies
6. ॐ नारसिंह वपुषे नमः in moments of distress and despair
7.ॐ क्षेत्रज्ञाय नमः for aspirants of plots and own residence
8.ॐ ऋषिकेशाय नमः for overcoming bad habits
9.ॐ वषटकराय नमः for sucess in business , interviews,visa interviews,building relationship
10. ॐ श्रीमते नमः please chant for handsome appearance and wealth.
11.ॐ अक्षराय नमः for education and better financial strenrh
12.ॐ परमात्मने नमः for self employed people ,for promotioms and success im games
13.ॐ भूतभावनाये नमः for better health
14. ॐ पूतात्मने नमः to remove mental stress and for mental peace
15.ॐ शर्मणे नमः for job satisfaction
16.कार्तवीर्यार्जुनो नाम राजा बाहू सहस्रावान .
तस्य स्मरणमात्रेण गतं नष्टं च लभ्यते
please chant this slok to locate lost objects,persons and belongings
17. कामेश्वराय कामाय कामपालाय कामिने .
नमः कामविहाराय कामरूपधराय च
maarraigs get finalised by chanting this slok.Also this sloka bestows intimacy,mutual affwction and trust between couples.
Good Post!